a workshop about decentralised online publishing
for artists, future designers, visionary publishers, grassroots activists, and advocates of a truly social network.
Led by PWR Studio (Berlin)
Saturday October 27
3pm - 6pm
Center of Contemporary Culture of Barcelona
Aula 2
10 seats available
Language: English
Price: free
Taking the platform as a starting point, PWR (read as ‘power’) explores the Whys and Hows of alternative digital distribution methods:
Introduction to PWR Studio’s work related to the theme
Introduction to DAT and Beaker browser
Creation of a DAT-based site
Creation of web-of-trust / webring
Bring your own laptop (mandatory).
No specific knowledge is required but familiarity with web publishing notions and personal or professional interest in those matters is welcome.
How to sign up
Please email (subject: SELF-CONTAINED) with your name or nickname, a quick way to get in touch with you (phone number or online account, for instance), a short bio and a short motivation text.
In case there will be more than 10 applications The Influencers and PWR teams will select participants according to a reasonable representation of classes, genders and cultural backgrounds in order to achieve as much diversity as possible.
Deadline to sign-up
October 22, after that day all applicants will be on a waiting list and notified of available seats on October 26th according to a first-come-first-served basis.
About PWR
PWR (Hanna Nilsson & Rasmus Svensson) works with practical investigations into systems for communication and information storage, from Cloud to Dirt. PWR are recent fellows at Jan van Eyck Academie and V2 in Rotterdam. PWR have previously exhibited at ZKM Karlsruhe (DE), TodaysArt (NL), FUTURA (CZ), Guggenheim Museum (US), Kunsthaus Rhenania (DE), V2 (NL), MOMA New York (US) etc. PWR has lectured at Rhizome & New Museum New York, Universität der Kunste Berlin, Impakt Festival Utrecht, HFBK Hamburg, Bauhaus Universität Weimar, et. al.
The New Networked Normal
A European partnership and programme in collaboration with Abandon Normal Devices (UK), Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (Catalonia, Spain), The Influencers (Catalonia, Spain), Transmediale (Germany) and STRP (Netherlands).
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.