Dark Passage

Una operación de exploración urbana de Dark Passage in Barcelona, hecha posible gracias a Julia Solis, Tom Kirsch, Alessandro Toffoli y John Law.

A Dark Passage operation

A Dark Passage operation in Barcelona, made possible by Julia Solis, Tom Kirsch, Alessandro Toffoli, John Law.

Network as Material

"The Critical Engineer raises awareness that with each technological advance our techno-political literacy is challenged."

The Lost Hour Challenge

Daylight saving time was devised to ensure agricultural labourers worked appropriate number of hours in the day and a peculiar quirk in the winter months, in various countries throughout the world clocks are brought back 1hr. Meaning effectively 1hr of our year *gets lost* and unaccounted for, it disappears.

The Lost Hour Challenge

Daylight saving time was devised to ensure agricultural labourers worked appropriate number of hours in the day and a peculiar quirk in the winter months, in various countries throughout the world clocks are brought back 1hr. Meaning effectively 1hr of our year *gets lost* and unaccounted for, it disappears.

La Xarxa com matèria

"L’enginyer crític crea consciència de que amb cada avenç tecnològic es desafia la nostra alfabetització tecnopolítica"

Las redes como materia

“El Ingeniero Crítico recuerda que cada avance tecnológico supone un reto para nuestro alfabetismo tecno-político”

The Lost Hour Challenge

Daylight saving time was devised to ensure agricultural labourers worked appropriate number of hours in the day and a peculiar quirk in the winter months, in various countries throughout the world clocks are brought back 1hr. Meaning effectively 1hr of our year *gets lost* and unaccounted for, it disappears.


Quan: Divendres 8 de novembre - 15h
Punt de trobada: Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (Hall)
Entrada: 0 €¥$
Requisits: cap, però si pots porta una memòria USB


Cuándo: Viernes 8 de noviembre - 15h
Punto de encuentro: Centro de Cultura Contemporánea de Barcelona (Hall)
Entrada: 0 €¥$
Requisitos: ninguno, pero si puedes lleva una memoria USB


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